Divorce is a complex and emotionally charged process, and one of the most significant issues that couples face is spousal support, also known as alimony. 

Spousal support is a financial arrangement where one spouse provides financial assistance to the other after a divorce or separation. 

In California, navigating spousal support can be particularly intricate due to the state’s unique legal framework. This guide aims to provide key information on understanding, negotiating, and finalizing spousal support arrangements in California divorce proceedings.


A Spousal Support Attorney in Los Angeles Explains the Process

  1. Types of Spousal Support

In California, there are two main types of spousal support:

  • Temporary Support: This type of support, often called pendente lite support, is ordered during the divorce proceedings and is intended to maintain the status quo until the final settlement is reached. Temporary support ensures that both spouses have the means to cover their essential needs, such as housing, utilities, and food, during the often lengthy divorce process. 

This type of support is calculated using a specific formula that takes into account factors like both parties’ incomes, assets, and basic living expenses. It’s important to note that the amount of temporary support may not necessarily reflect the final, long-term support arrangement.

  • Permanent or Long-Term Support: This form of support is typically awarded after the divorce is finalized and is intended to provide ongoing financial assistance to the lower-earning spouse. Contrary to what the name may suggest, permanent spousal support is not necessarily awarded indefinitely. 

It is, however, intended to provide ongoing financial assistance to the lower-earning spouse after the divorce is finalized. 

The duration of long-term support depends on various factors, including the length of the marriage and the financial circumstances of both parties. This form of support is especially common in marriages of considerable duration where one spouse may have foregone career opportunities to support the family or has significantly lower earning potential.


  1. Spousal Support Factors Considered by the Court

California courts consider several factors when determining spousal support:

  • Length of the Marriage: Longer marriages generally lead to higher support awards and longer durations of spousal support.


  • Income Disparity: The difference in income between spouses is a crucial factor. The higher-earning spouse will likely be required to provide support.


  • Standard of Living: The court aims to maintain the standard of living established during the marriage. This is different from aiming to maintain basic needs. A more expensive lifestyle while married will likely lead to more spousal support.


  • Contributions to the Marriage: Non-financial contributions such as homemaking and childcare are also considered. California sees such contributions as potential reasons to justify spousal support.


  • Needs and Ability to Pay: The court assesses the recipient’s financial needs and the payer’s ability to meet those needs.


  1. Temporary vs. Long-Term Spousal Support

As discussed above, temporary support is generally calculated using a formula, but long-term support is determined based on a wide range of factors. It’s crucial to understand the difference and be prepared for both scenarios. 

Other types of support do exist but are less often agreed upon. Be sure to consult an expert child and spousal support attorney to learn about the different options and which outcome may be most beneficial.


Navigating the Spousal Support Negotiation Process


  1. Open Communication

Effective communication is the cornerstone of any negotiation. Both spouses should openly discuss their financial situations, concerns, and expectations. 

Additionally, attempts to hide assets or other financial factors will end up working against you in court. If the court perceives one party as deceitful due to a lack of transparency, the non-transparent party could lose the trust of the court.


  1. Seek Professional Guidance

Engaging the services of an experienced child and spousal support attorney and financial advisors can be invaluable. They can help navigate the legal complexities and provide expert advice on the best course of action.

Even with the aid of this guide and other resources, there is no substitute for finding a spousal support attorney in Los Angeles who knows the nuances of how the courts have handled specific factors of the divorce process over many years.


  1. Mediation and Collaborative Divorce

Consider alternative dispute resolution methods like mediation or collaborative divorce. These approaches can be less adversarial and more conducive to finding mutually agreeable solutions. 

Taking the divorce to court entails a much longer and potentially more contentious process. With longer proceedings, legal costs will be higher, and with one party pitted against another, emotions and a sense of defensiveness can become more profound with both parties. Divorce mediation or collaboration offers a more amicable approach that does not need to be decided by the court.


  1. Keep Emotions in Check

While divorce is an emotionally charged process, it’s crucial to approach divorce negotiations with a level head. Making decisions based on anger or spite can lead to unfavorable outcomes. Remember, the more defensive or upset a given party is during negotiations, the more difficult it will become to compromise and work together. 

Ensure to avoid antagonizing your spouse or reacting emotionally if you feel attacked. Also, be careful to avoid attorneys who polarize parties and over-antagonize your spouse. Calm heads aiming to reach a reasonable compromise will lead to the best outcome.


Documenting Spousal Support Agreements

  1. Comprehensive Agreements

Ensure that all aspects of spousal support are clearly outlined in the agreement. This includes the amount, duration, and any special conditions. Any items not explicitly outlined in an agreement can become a source of future entanglement and conflict, even if you feel they do not need to be discussed at the time.


  1. Consult with a Legal Professional

Having an experienced child and spousal support attorney review the agreement before finalizing it is a crucial step. An attorney can identify any potential pitfalls or areas that may need clarification. 

If you choose to use a third party to negotiate your divorce agreement, ensure that you use a qualified family and divorce lawyer to review your agreement. Otherwise, the agreement could be rejected by the court or important items may be left out, which will come back to create conflict down the road.


  1. Court Approval

In California, the court must approve all spousal support agreements to ensure they comply with state laws and regulations. Even if something is mutually agreed upon, the court will reject it if it does not comply with California law. California’s Divorce law must be considered appropriately and adhered to, even if both parties agree to something different.


Modifying Spousal Support Orders

  1. Material Change in Circumstances

Either party can request a modification if there is a significant change in circumstances, such as a job loss, substantial increase in income, or health issues. If you are paying spousal support and a significant change in your life circumstances occurs, you may be able to change the spousal support arrangement.

While it is important to be aware of what this process entails on your own, remember that there is no replacement for consulting with a family and divorce lawyer to determine whether a modification is warranted and to guide you through the legal process.



Navigating spousal support in California divorce proceedings demands careful consideration of various factors and a clear understanding of the state’s legal framework. By approaching negotiations with open communication, seeking professional advice, and documenting agreements meticulously, couples can better navigate this complex aspect of divorce. 

Remember, consulting with experienced legal professionals is crucial at every step to ensure the best possible outcome for you and your family. Expert lawyers such as Leon F. Bennett, a leading Woodland Hills divorce attorney, can help guide you through this challenging process.


About Divorce and Family Law Attorney, Leon F. Bennett, Esq.

The Law Offices of Leon F. Bennett provide efficient and effective Family Law services throughout Southern California for over 35 years that satisfy you and your family’s goals. Leon F. Bennett, Esq. is an expert family law attorney in Woodland Hills, Ca., who will get the desired results for you and your family. Contact us today to request a consultation.